About the GT Materials Society

We aim to.... link students to the professional materials societies and raise awareness and involvement about opportunities open to students. The GT Materials Society typically meets several times a semester (dates are announced later) for FUN. Members should also join Materials Advantage. Your commitments are up to you. Feel free to comment, interact, and create, in digital space! Please visit our google calendar for the quickest notifications.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clemson Tailgate

Hey everyone,

The Clemson game is this Thursday night, so we are going to start tailgating around 5pm in the courtyard behind the Love building. Thanks to one of our alumni (Scott Liebermann) who works for exponent, we are going to have corporate sponsorship for this tailgate. That means we will have FREE FOOD, so I hope to see everyone there to at least mooch off the free food and pretend that they care about the game (which should be awesome as it is every year).


Anonymous said...

Could you tell me when(the date) would it be held? Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

oh, sorry, I mistook for the year. It was 2009 event